Prostitution, solicitation, and other related crimes are often grouped into a category of offenses known as sex crimes, though they are not technically sex offenses. A sex crime conviction on your record could have devastating consequences. Not only could your reputation be destroyed, but you could also face serious fines and jail or prison time.
When your freedom is on the line, do not trust an overworked public defender to handle your case. A highly skilled Avondale prostitution defense lawyer with Suzuki Law Group will do everything possible to help you clear your name of these allegations so you can get back to your life. Schedule a confidential consultation with a knowledgeable Avondale sex crimes lawyer with our firm today to learn more about how your life could be affected if you are found guilty, the extent of the penalties you are facing, and how to best approach your criminal defense.
Insight into Prostitution Crimes Across the U.S.
There were 19 total prostitution-related charges in Avondale and 678 prostitution-related charges in Arizona, according to 2023 Arizona Crime Statistics. According to a 2024 data report by Gitnux, prostitution and criminal charges continue to be a serious issue across the United States and Arizona. Here are some of the most notable facts and stats:
- Approximately 1 million United States residents have worked as prostitutes
- As much as 95% of prostitutes have experienced some type of violence
- Globally, sex workers make up approximately 4% of the workforce
- In Las Vegas, where prostitution is legal, there are approximately 3,000 prostitutes
Approximately 42% of sex workers report workplace violence, with 99% of victims being women and children. Sex traffickers often use coercion, threats, and violence to force children and adults to engage in prostitution against their will. This often results in unjust criminal charges and penalties that further impact the victim’s lives. From the start, your criminal defense lawyer in Avondale will protect you from saying anything that could be used against you and from having your rights violated.
Committed to providing exceptional legal service to each and every client through integrity, compassion and experience.
Get StartedThe Specifics of When You Can Be Charged with Prostitution in Avondale
According to Arizona Revised Statutes §13-3211, prostitution is defined as offering, agreeing, or engaging in any type of sexual activity for money or valuables. This could include housing, money, drugs, or other favors. The statute further defines sexual conduct as:
- Oral sexual contact
- Direct or indirect manipulation or fondling of the female breast, anus, or genitals
- Sadomasochistic abuse
- Sexual intercourse
Your prostitution defense lawyer in Avondale has extensive experience defending individuals charged with prostitution and other related crimes. If you have been accused of pimping, enticing prostitution, engaging in sexual conduct for a fee, pandering, or solicitation, you may be facing severe criminal penalties. Fortunately, our criminal defense team can carefully review the circumstances of your case to craft a compelling defense that could help you avoid a conviction.
Abogado cerca de míPotential Consequences of a Prostitution Conviction
Prostitution and solicitation charges often carry mandatory jail terms. The number of times you have been arrested for or charged with prostitution will determine the mandatory minimum sentences. According to Arizona Revised Statute §13-3214, these terms include
- 15 days in jail for a first prostitution offense
- 30 days in jail for a second prostitution offense
- 60 days in jail for a third prostitution offense
- 180 days in jail for a fourth prostitution offense
The number of prostitution charges on your record and the specific circumstances of your case will determine whether you are tried at the misdemeanor or felony level. If you are convicted of a Class 1 misdemeanor, you could spend up to three years on probation, six months in jail, and pay up to $2,500 in fines. However, if you are charged at the felony level, you could spend up to 2 1/2 years in prison, pay fines of up to $150,000, and spend up to three years on probation.
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Child Prostitution Charges Are Even More Serious
Child prostitution crimes are even more serious than prostitution and solicitation offenses, as outlined under Arizona Revised Statute §13-3212. Child prostitution can include engaging in prostitution with a minor who is under the age of 15, engaging in prostitution with a minor who is between the ages of 15 and 17, and engaging in prostitution with a minor when the defendant is accused of knowing the minor is between the ages of 15 and 17. As you might expect, the criminal penalties of a child prostitution conviction are some of the harshest in the Arizona criminal justice system.
Penalties for a Child Prostitution Conviction
When you are accused of engaging in prostitution with someone between the ages of 15 and 17 while knowing they are underage, you could be charged with a felony offense according to Arizona Revised Statutes §13-3206 and 13-3212. This carries a sentence of up to 27 years in an Arizona state prison. You will also likely be required to register as a sex offender if you are found guilty.
Pimping & Pandering Charges
Pimping and pandering is another type of prostitution offense under Arizona Revised Statutes §13-3209. It involves promoting, making money from, facilitating, or benefiting from prostitution in any way. You could be charged with pimping and pandering if you force your spouse to engage in prostitution, receive any portion of a prostitute’s earnings, or maintain a location for prostitution.
If convicted, the penalties will be severe. Most pandering and pimping charges are classified as Class 5 felonies. You could spend up to two years in prison if you are convicted without the help of a prostitution defense attorney in Avondale from Suzuki Law Group.
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Turn to a Trusted Prostitution Defense Lawyer in Avondale for Legal Help When You Need it Most
While prostitution charges may not be the most severe type of sex crime you can be charged with, the consequences of a guilty verdict could be life-changing. Protect your future by preparing the strongest defense strategy possible. Trust your criminal defense with a dedicated Avondale prostitution defense attorney from Suzuki Law Group.
There are several potential ways we can approach your defense depending on the specific circumstances of your case. In working out whether you should accept a plea agreement and avoid trial, you may be able to escape some of the harsher penalties you could be subject to. Schedule your free, no-obligation consultation as soon as today by submitting our secured contact form or calling our law office.
Call or text 602-682-5270 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form